CSA’s New Certificate for Group Coaching Supervisors

Over the past year, I’ve been working with the Coaching Supervision Academy Ltd and Dr. Alison Hodge., to create a new Certificate for Group Coaching Supervisors. I’m really pleased that registration for the program (this September) is now open.

Over the past year, I’ve been working with the Coaching Supervision Academy (CSA), and Dr. Alison Hodge to create a new program of study which will lead to the award of a Certificate in Developing Self as Group Coaching Supervisor. I’m really pleased to say that registration has now opened for the program, which Kathryn and I will be leading together.

We’re inviting participants from around the world to join us for a year engaging in a deep, emergent exploration into group supervision, which will be underpinned by an action research approach. The program is based around adult learning theory, and at the heart of it is reflection on practice. It is about groups and group facilitation, and who we are as supervisors in this practice.

For me, at the heart of any learning is relationship: our relationship with ourselves, our relationships with others and our environment. I’m hoping that as we engage in this program, faculty and participants alike, we will come to know ourselves more deeply and cultivate our capacity to facilitate reflection and learning with others. Finding and bringing our ‘best selves’ to the wonderful practice of coaching and supervision underpins our approach, while at the same time accepting with compassion our fallibility as human beings. I can’t wait to engage with how our cohort comes together to co-create this learning experience.

The core of the program takes place in three, two-day modules and a final integration day, but the learning will take place throughout the year, with tutorials, peer practice groups, with the participants running their own group supervision client work, and being in supervision themselves.

The program opens on 28-29 September this year, with Module 1: ‘Cultivation of self with a focus on self in relationships in groups’. For full details of the program, and to register interest, please visit the CSA page, here: https://coachingsupervisionacademy.com/.